This is a project for a movie studio wants to promote the film with a web map that is designed to fit the aesthetic of the film. The theme for this Mapbox tileset is a combination inspired by the movie "Ratatouille" and France. I used blue and red colors for the country labels as the colors of France. The landcover is colored violet to represent the tone of our main character, used yellow for streets to highlight the nice sunset and bright lights the make the city shine at night, gray to show the freeways, and light blue waters. Some details that need to be highlighted are patches of green land using the texture of a baguette, and buildings represented by a cream color of window texture as a symbol of architecture in Paris. As for the text, we use the movie font to label the countries and the cities. Then a Garamond font for the state label as it is a distinct French font style from the early 1800s, and the company font Pixar to label open areas, monuments, national parks and other important places.